Global Green Growth Institute

Energy Efficiency Services Limited

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Replace the Existing old Conventional Motors with Energy Efficient (IE-3) Motors
S.No. Particulars Details
1. Name of the Industry/Organisation
2. Contact Person Name
3. Designation
4. Address for Communication
5. City
6. Pin code
7. Contact Number/Mobile No.
8. Email ID
9. Website

S.No. Parameter Unit Motor Rating Motor Rating Motor Rating Soucre of Data
Rated Specifications of Motors
1 Application of Motor   Name Plate
2 Rated Motor HP HP Name Plate
3 Make   Name Plate
4 Speed of Motor RPM Name Plate
5 Year of Manufacturing   Name Plate
6 Rated Voltage Volts Name Plate
7 Rated Current Amp. Name Plate
8 Rated Power Factor   Name Plate
9 Rated Efficiency % Yes/No
10 Frequency Hz Name Plate
11 Motor Mounting Type (Foot/Flenge)   Name Plate
12 No of Poles   Name Plate
Operating Parameters
13 Total Operating hours Hrs/Day Measured/Calculated
14 Months operational Days Days/Months Measured/Calculated
15 Annual operational Days Days/Annum Measured/Calculated
16 Electricity Unit Rate Rs./kWh from Electricity Bill
17 Voltage Volte Measured/Calculated
18 Current Amp. Measured/Calculated
19 Power Factor   Measured/Calculated
20 VFD Fitted Yes/No   Measured/Calculated
21 Starting Method DOL/Star Delta   Measured/Calculated

S.No. Parameter Unit Motor Rating Motor Rating Motor Rating Soucre of Data 
Performance Evaluation
1 Average Efficiency of Present Motors  % Calculated
2 Average Efficiency of Proposed Motors % Calculated
3  Present Motors Power Consumption  kWh Calculated
4 Proposed Motor Power Consumption kWh Calculated
5 Saving Potenitial  of Propsed Motor kWh/year Calculated
6 Estimated annual saving Rs. Lakhs/year Calculated
7 Annual GHG Emission Reduction tCO2/year Calculated
8 Power  kW Measured/Calculated
9 Rated Motor kW kW Name Plate