Global Green Growth Institute

Energy Efficiency Services Limited

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Replacement of Old Air Compressor with VFD & Permanent Magnet Motor Screw Compressor
S.No. Particulars Details
1. Name of the Industry/Organisation
2. Contact Person Name
3. Designation
4. Address for Communication
5. City
6. Pin code
7. Contact Number/Mobile No.
8. Email ID
9. Website

S.No. Parameter Unit Values Values Values Soucre of Data 
Rated Specifications of Air Compressor
1 Type of Air Compressor  (Reciprocating/ Screw/ Centrifugal) Name Plate
2 Make   Name Plate
3 Model   Name Plate
4 Year of Manufacturing   Name Plate
5 Rated Motor HP   Name Plate
6 Rated Motor kW kW Name Plate
7 Rated Flow Rate cfm Name Plate,
Conversion Factor (1 Nm3/hr = 0.589 cfm)
8 Rated Pressure Bar bar(g)/PSI/(Kg/ Name Plate
9 RPM of Motor   Name Plate
10 Operating principle (ON/OFF Mode or Loading/Unloading mode)   For ON/OFF Mode: Yes
Loading/Unloading mode: No
11 Cost of Electricity Rs./kWh from Electricity Bill
Operating Parameters
12 Onload Power Consumption kW Measured/Calculated
13 Operating Pressure  bar(g)/PSI/(Kg/ Measured
14 Operating Flowrate cfm Measured/Calculated
Conversion Factor (1 Nm3/hr = 0.589 cfm)
15 Loading Pressure Bar bar(g)/PSI/(Kg/ Measured
16 Unloading Pressure Bar bar(g)/PSI/(Kg/ Measured
17 Duration of onload operation minutes per hr Measured/Calculated
18 Duration of Unload operartion minutes per hr Measured/Calculated
19 Total Operating hours hrs/day Measured/Calculated
20 Operating days per year days/year Measured/Calculated

Performance Evaluation
21 Estimated Unload Power Consumption Calculated
22 Annual Electricity Consumption kWh/year Calculated
23 % Loading % Calculated
24 Specific Power Consumption (considering Onload Operation only) kW/cfm Calculated
25 Specific Power Consumption (considering Onload & Unload Operation both) kW/cfm Standard SPC (at 7-8 bar(g))
Reciprocating Air Comp.: 0.18 kW/cfm
Screw Air Comp.: 0.14 kW/cfm
26 Estimated Annual Electrical Energy Savings kWh/year Calculated
27 Annual Monetary Saving Rs. Lakhs/year Calculated
28 Annual GHG Emission Reduction tCO2/year Calculated
29 Approximate Investment Required Rs. Lakhs BY Equipment Supplier
30 Simple Payback Period years Calculated